Client: Airsensa.
More detail about project development
Internet of things project (IoT) capturing air quality data from advanced sensing platforms developed for this purpose.
Data capture: NO, NO2, Ozone, CO at PPM; Particulates 10, 1 and 0.1 micron; Temperature and Humidity; Background sound level.
Data is sent from the boxes every ten minutes and stored in MongoDB using software written in PHP with Codeigniter MVC framework.
Graphs generate by statistical analysis for min/max/avg and using Google graphs for display.
Apis for data box configurations and user logins, will have data extraction in the future.
Service provided: Protocols for communicating with the boxes, data capture to MongoDB, display of data in graphical form, apis for configuration and data download.
Result: Data has been captured in a beta test setup from various boxes in the UK/London and Taiwan .